The Heavenward Way – Now Available!

Now reprinted for your enjoyment is The Heavenward Way, a collection of four treatises that helpfully outline the life of faith in a believer. Here Christopher Blackwood (c.1605–1669) brings into sharp focus the essential priorities of the life of faith: first, learning to recognize and treasure the precious worth of Jesus Christ (and by contrast, the dangers associated with not having true love for him); next, honoring God by loving our neighbor as ourselves; and finally, living our lives in such a way that we are well-prepared for death.

It includes a biographical preface, helpful footnotes, and review questions designed to help facilitate group discussion or personal reflection. Scripture references are embedded in the text as well.

Available in e-book format: KindleNookiBooksGoogle PlayKoboLulu (ISBN 9781678017347, MSRP $2.99).

The True Christian’s Love of the Unseen Christ – Thomas Vincent

“Faith without love to Christ is a dead faith.” So states Thomas Vincent in The True Christian’s Love of the Unseen Christ—a book whose sole stated purpose is to help the reader obtain love for Christ in truth and strength. Christian, if your love for Christ has gone cold, if you have lost your passion for serving Christ, this book will be a spark for rekindling that love again, and a bellows for fanning it into flame.

Thomas Vincent (1634–1678) was a Puritan pastor who was deprived of his pulpit when the Act of Uniformity was decreed in 1662. He continued to minister to young people alongside Thomas Doolittle at a boarding school in Bunhill Fields. When the Great Plague ravaged London in 1665 and everyone who could afford to leave the city was fleeing, Vincent instead chose to remain, so that he could minister to the sick and suffering.

Available through the following sources:

∙ e-Book (ISBN 9780359565603) for KindleNook, Apple, Google PlayKoboLulu (MSRP $4.99).
∙ Trade paperback (ISBN 9781548998479, 162 pp.) at Amazon (MSRP $12.99).

The Poetry of Samuel Slater

Digital Puritan Press is pleased to announce the publication of a single-volume collection of all the poetry of Samuel Slater. “A Discourse Concerning the Creation, Fall, and Recovery of Man” is modeled on John Milton’s “Paradise Lost”, yet in a much more approachable style and length. “A Dialogue Between Faith and a Doubting Soul” was written for the comfort of a troubled woman who frequently came to the author for counsel and reassurance. Also included are an elegy for Oliver Cromwell and several biblical songs put to verse. Even readers unfamiliar with Elizabethan poetry will find these works both engaging and encouraging. They are useful for both devotional reading and academic study.

Samuel Slater (c.1629–1704) was a Presbyterian pastor who was deprived of his congregation in Suffolk when the Act of Uniformity was passed in 1662. He later succeeded Stephen Charnock as pastor of the church at Crosby Square, Bishopgate Street, in London, where he ministered faithfully until his death.

∙ e-Book (ISBN 9781387471829) for Kindle, Nook, iBooks, Google Play, Kobo, Lulu (MSRP $4.99).
∙ Trade paperback (ISBN 9781982065416, 162 pp.) at Amazon (MSRP $11.99).

Puritan Thumb-Drive

So this would really scratch my OCD itch… For quite some time I have had the idea of taking all the best PDFs I can find of the authors represented on these pages and putting them into an organized format, interlinked from a bookmarked PDF file which serves as a directory.  This would allow us to have at our fingertips the works of the Puritans on a tablet or phone, with no internet connection or downloading.  A real bonus would be to include the Scripture and topical indices as well.  Running background OCR will allow searching for text phrases, to some degree.  Certain tablets will allow highlighting, underlining, and other note-taking as well.

I am thinking that this could be updated each year as the library of files was improved and expanded.  I know several others have done similar things like this in the past.  The difference is, this is going to be FREE (less the cost of the memory card).  If you’d like to get involved in this project, drop me a line and I’ll keep you in mind when I start on this in earnest.  I doubt this will come to fruition soon, unless there are a lot of helpers.  But someday!

I know someone will ask this, so I’ll give you the current stats:

  • 5,601 files (however this also includes text files, epubs, mobi files, and PDFs I am not allowed to share)
  • 34.5 gigabytes

Website Improvements

In addition to editing, over the past few months I have been busy at work each day, nibbling away at a number of improvements to the website that I hope will make it more useful to you.  For example:

  1. I am going through each of the PDF files and trimming out blank and worthless pages, making sure that background OCR has been performed on each file (so you can search for text phrases), and creating bookmarks and hyperlinks where feasible, to make navigating these files a little easier.
  2. Each of the larger “Works” volumes is being broken down into component parts, so you don’t have to download the whole volume to get just the one sermon you want.
  3. Works that are keyed to a specific text of Scripture are being cataloged in the Scripture Index (see the navigation bar above).  Try this out—it is very useful, and already stocked with thousands of texts!
  4. A Topical Index, which is on hold right now, presently containing only a very small fraction of the works included on this website.
  5. I am in the process of enabling comments for each page, so that we may dialogue on specific aspects of each Puritan author’s life and/or works.
  6. I am experimenting with adding “Like” buttons to each work on the site, so that you can quickly see which works are most popular when trying to decide what to read from an author you might not be familiar with. My sandbox for this is the John Flavel page. I anticipate that several fun things can be done with the data mined from this…
  7. I have been downloading and scrubbing texts from EEBO’s web page, where appropriate.  See my prior post on text scrubbing (a computerized process of cleaning up the texts so they are a little more readable).
  8. I have been trying to incorporate texts from J.I. Packer’s online texts, where appropriate.

It will probably take a few years to get all of these things completely done, but check back frequently—the site should become better and better with each visit.  If you have any suggestions, or see any broken links or errors, please let me know!