Now reprinted for your enjoyment is The Heavenward Way, a collection of four treatises that helpfully outline the life of faith in a believer. Here Christopher Blackwood (c.1605–1669) brings into sharp focus the essential priorities of the life of faith: first, learning to recognize and treasure the precious worth of Jesus Christ (and by contrast, the dangers associated with not having true love for him); next, honoring God by loving our neighbor as ourselves; and finally, living our lives in such a way that we are well-prepared for death.
It includes a biographical preface, helpful footnotes, and review questions designed to help facilitate group discussion or personal reflection. Scripture references are embedded in the text as well.
Available in e-book format: Kindle, Nook, iBooks, Google Play, Kobo, Lulu (ISBN 9781678017347, MSRP $2.99).
Amazon say that this isn’t available. That’s disappointing. Is it available somewhere else?
Thanks Gurth Whitaker.
This is being reviewed by Amazon, but should be available shortly. Thanks for letting us know!
Greetings, Dr. Mick!
I am so pleased to see new material. I pray that you and your family are well.
Your Servant in Christ,
Is there any way you would be able to put the Puritan Morning Exercises in digital format? Thank you again for the work you have done.
Arthur DeChamplain
That is something I am definitely considering.