The autumn edition of “The Digital Puritan” is now available! Pull on your favourite sweater, pour yourself a hot mug of tea, and settle down by the fireplace to enjoy the following articles in this autumn edition:
1. An Exhortation to Peace and Unity – John Bunyan. In which Bunyan teaches us to leave aside bickering and petty divisiveness, and to pursue Christ-honouring unity while putting others ahead of ourselves.
2. Directions to Fearful, Troubled Christians – Richard Baxter. Ten practical instructions for the Christian who is plagued by doubts.
3. The Monster of Sinful Self-Seeking Anatomized – Edmund Calamy. Stand by as Calamy dissects this gruesome and ghastly monster known as self-seeking. First reprinting since it was originally published in 1655.
4. Thankfulness Required in Every Condition – William Bridge. Once again William Bridge shows us how to find light in the darkest dungeon, and return thanks with sincerity to our loving and wise heavenly Father.
5. The Sin and Folly of Depending on Future Time – Jonathan Edwards. In which Edwards pokes holes in many of our justifications to view time as “idle” or something to “pass” while putting off things of more urgent and eternal importance.
6. The Puritans in Verse: “The Reflection” by Edward Taylor. A private meditation on the Saviour’s beauty (Song of Solomon 2:1).
Available now for the Kindle, Nook, Kobo, Apple devices, and in the Google Play store. It is also available in generic ePub format for other devices.