Puritan Thumb-Drive

So this would really scratch my OCD itch… For quite some time I have had the idea of taking all the best PDFs I can find of the authors represented on these pages and putting them into an organized format, interlinked from a bookmarked PDF file which serves as a directory.  This would allow us to have at our fingertips the works of the Puritans on a tablet or phone, with no internet connection or downloading.  A real bonus would be to include the Scripture and topical indices as well.  Running background OCR will allow searching for text phrases, to some degree.  Certain tablets will allow highlighting, underlining, and other note-taking as well.

I am thinking that this could be updated each year as the library of files was improved and expanded.  I know several others have done similar things like this in the past.  The difference is, this is going to be FREE (less the cost of the memory card).  If you’d like to get involved in this project, drop me a line and I’ll keep you in mind when I start on this in earnest.  I doubt this will come to fruition soon, unless there are a lot of helpers.  But someday!

I know someone will ask this, so I’ll give you the current stats:

  • 5,601 files (however this also includes text files, epubs, mobi files, and PDFs I am not allowed to share)
  • 34.5 gigabytes

33 thoughts on “Puritan Thumb-Drive

  1. Just came across your site and read about your Puritan Thumb Drive idea. Love the idea and would be interested in purchasing or getting on a list for one. What is the status of the thumb drive?

    Soli Deo Gloria,

    • It’s on the back burner. I am hoping to find (or write) software that will allow searching, browsing, reading, bookmarking, and highlighting in the PDF files, with note-taking capabilities as well. Similar to LOGOS software, but for PDF files. Perhaps it would be better to put something out there rather than wait forever though, right?

      • I am also interested in this project. I might be able to help you with the indexing and master directory document.

  2. This is a great idea!! I can proofread and do graphic design/page layout if those are useful to the project.

    Very useful site you have here! All glory to the LORD Most High!

  3. What does it take to transfer them to a memstick ?
    I have loads I keep 1-2– gig on old notebook small hardrives I just copy files over to them through USB

  4. I’ve been working on my own pdf collection for the past 15 years, downloading everything I come across to my desktop and into author-folders and printing into 3-ring binders whatever I’d like to read. I’d be happy to be a part of what you’re doing. Let me know how I can help.

  5. May God be glorified in all your efforts to edify the God’s people!
    Here, in Guadalajara México, we have been very blessed for the puritan writings you have uploaded. If I can help in something, please send me a message.

    “The Lord hear thee in the day of trouble; the name of the God of Jacob defend thee; Send thee help from the sanctuary, and strengthen thee out of Zion; Remember all thy offerings, and accept thy burnt sacrifice”
    (Psalm 20:1-3)

  6. If there are ways to support it in small amounts monetarily I would love to contribute when able if that’s a need! God Bless!

    • I have this as a general goal; I may pick it up again after completing the project I am working on at present (“The Great Concern” by Edward Pearse).

      • I am a christian from the Dominican Republic and I love reading the puritans. They are full of wisdom and faithful to the Scriptures. I would love to be part of this project. How can I help? I have in my mind to make their writings more available in Spanish .

  7. Hi brother

    Also interested to help in any way I can.

    is it possible to reload Ness’ History and Mystery please? The file is corrupted. Thanks.

  8. Greetings Brother,
    I’m a pastor from India, was browsing for puritan authors and accidentally (or must I say by providence) came here. God bless your good work. I’d loved to be a part of your project.

    • Amen, and the same for me.
      I believe God to bless His work. We are hungry and my heart rejoices in HIS FAITHFULNESS .
      Thank you for your labor.

  9. Hello

    Just checking if this project was still on, as I would be interested.



    • It is still a general project, but is in a “back burner” status. I’ll keep you in mind when the time comes!

  10. What a wonderful treasure trove this website is…. Just stumbled upon it. Would love to be included in the jumpdrive!

  11. What kind of help do you need? If you need a digital/graphic designer that will help you format the ebooks message me.

  12. I am serving in South Africa where access to the internet is very expensive. Such a gift to the many pastors I assist would be a huge help. Many of these have little formal education if any and this would be a valuable esource. Please keep me informed if this gets off the ground. Thank you

    • I’m very interested in this if it does come to life!! Please do keep me in mind for future possible distribution. I am enamored by many of the works.

  13. Dear editor,

    I so much appreciate your website. I’m currently travelling and had to leave behind my print library. So I’m doing a lot of reading on my phone.

    You ended your post with, “5601 files (however this also includes text files, epubs, mobi files, and PDFs I am not allowed to share)”.

    I’m a bit confused. Are you not allowed to share it online but you are allowed to share it on microSD cards?

    • Thank you for your kind words!

      Great question, regarding files I’m allowed to share. I have access to Early English Books Online (EEBO) through the university I work for, however they ask that we not share the files they have worked so hard to digitize (access to these files requires an institutional subscription).

  14. Hey Brother,
    I am currently serving the Lord in Africa and have been talking with some others about the possibility of something like this for Theology resources. I would love to be involved in any way I can from here. I know this project might take you some time but I come back stateside in October and come back to Africa in January. I would love to be able to bring some of he SD Cards back when I come to share with people who are looking for ways to grow in their faith and understanding of Christ! So I am super excited about the possibility of sharing the cards with them! God bless,

  15. Greetings brother… I would be thrilled to be involved in your project. I have been extensively studying the Puritans for nearly 12 years, have a DD in Puritan Studies and have written 3 books for RHB on Puritan topics. So if there’s anything I can do to help, please let me know.

    God bless your labors for the Kingdom.

  16. 5,601 files or 34.5 gigs? Is that all? I have 11,550 files of early modern (mostly Puritan) sources, which presently comes to about 203 gigs. Uh, if you want a serious collection, one might say to you, “you’re gonna need a bigger boat!” Ha! 😉

    In 2009 I was working on an encyclopedia name list for people of interest, or mostly Puritan theologians, and that list can be found here:


    It got to be too much, so I stopped doing that. I could add a hundred or more names, perhaps, but they would be mostly lesser lights, not major Puritan names.


    • With the web set-up I have, there is an unlimited capacity for hosting files. Are you permitted to share these files, or are they from a copyrighted source like EEBO?

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