Stephen Marshall (c.1594-1655) was an English Nonconformist churchman. His sermons, especially that on the death of John Pym in 1643, reveal eloquence and fervour. The only “systematic” work he published was A Defence of Infant Baptism, against John Tombes (London, 1646).
He was born at Godmanchester in Huntingdonshire, and was educated at Emmanuel College, Cambridge (M.A. 1622, B.D. 1629). After holding the living of Wethersfield in Essex, he became vicar of Finchingfield. In 1636 he was reported for “want of conformity.”
He was a powerful preacher, and influenced the elections for the Short Parliament of 1640. Edward Hyde, 1st Earl of Clarendon considered his influence on the parliamentary side to be greater than that of William Laud on the royalist. In 1642 Marshall was appointed lecturer at St Margaret’s, Westminster, and delivered a series of addresses to the Commons in which he advocated episcopal and liturgical reform.
He had a share in writing Smectymnuus, was appointed chaplain to the Earl of Essex’s regiment in 1642, and a member of the Westminster Assembly in 1643. He represented the English Parliament in Scotland in 1643, and attended the parliamentary commissions at the Uxbridge Conference in 1645. He was with Archbishop Laud before his execution, and was chaplain to King Charles I at Holmby House and at Carisbrooke Castle.
A moderate presbyterian, he contributed to the “Shorter Catechism” in 1647, and was one of the “Triers” in 1654. He died in November 1655 and was buried in Westminster Abbey, but his body was exhumed and maltreated at the Restoration. [More via Wikipedia][Stephen Marshall: A Forgotten Essex Puritan, by E. Vaughan]
The Works of Stephen Marshall:
A Defence of Infant Baptism. (342 pages)
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The Humble Answer of the Divines Attending the Honourable Commission of Parliament at the Treaty of Newport in the Isle of Wight. (39 pages)
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Concerning Episcopal government.
A Peace Offering to God. (54 pages)
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A sermon on Psalm 124:6-8, preached before the House of Commons to commemorate thanksgiving for the peace between England and Scotland, September 7, 1641.
The Power of the Civil Magistrate in Matters of Religion Vindicated. (50 pages)
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A sermon on 1 Timothy 2:2, preached before Parliament at their public fast.
Reformation and Desolation. (55 pages)
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A sermon on 2 Kings 23:25-26, preached before the House of Commons at their public fast, December 22, 1641.
A Sacred Panegyric. (41 pages)
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A thanksgiving sermon preached on 1 Chronicles 12:38-40, to Parliament, January 18, 1643.
A Sermon on 2 Chronicles 15:2. (55 pages)
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Preached before the House of Commons at their public fast, November 17, 1640.
The Song of Moses, the Servant of God, and the Song of the Lamb. (51 pages)
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A sermon on Revelation 15:2-4, preached before the House of Commons, June 15, 1643.